I live in a land of Gods, some mythological, some human, thousands of them to give a billion people hope and belief. Setting the ones whose address is not recognized by the postal department of any country aside, and the Gods suffixed with "men" and "women" also aside, there are still a few hundreds left. These Gods dominate our everyday influences which determine what we eat and drink, the way we walk, talk and act, our emotions and ideas of love and life in general and also provide fodder for hours of conversation and debate. What do these Gods do?? Movies and entertainment, politics, sport!! Growing up in an society that worships its heroes, and in an era that had people not being satisfied with your average next door God, and expanding their God-radar to include international figures, I had my own entertainment/sport-God list, and my Gods of rock music were in town on Saturday, June 2nd, 2007 to quench the thirst of a 15 year wait.
It's been 10 years since they professed to love the sweet taste of India, and when they finally decided to take the plunge and sample it first hand, I just had to be there!! Waiting for the show to explode and the band to appear on stage, I kept telling myself to get a grip and that I have waited for 131490 hours to see this, what’s in a couple more? Then, it happened!! The lights went out, the screen lit up and the Aerosmith logo engulfed the world leading up to a fluttering tri-colour of saffron, white and green, which made the crowd go crazy and pop in approval. As expected, the Gods started off with “Taste of India”, and then the as they say, the rest was history. I always get pumped when I hear “Dream On”, but listening to it live makes me calling it amazing an understatement. Alicia Silverstone lit up the giant screen as they power ballded “Cryin” and had the crowd eating out of their hands. Amidst all this, Tyler did not fail to perform his nefariously delightful antics with ejaculating water bottles from the hip down, giving the middle finger to Kramer during “Falling in love is so hard on the knees”, or revealing his lick me tattoo in a convenient place. It all concluded with their more commercialized, but nevertheless awe-inspiring “I don’t wanna miss a thing”. One unforgettable goose-bumpy evening I went later, the only regret I had was that we weren’t close enough to the stage, which led to the sound not being loud enough for me, but gave me a valuable lesson “Always buy the ticket with the highest price!!”

pic courtesy: www.aeroforceone.com
If it was any more loud, I'd have returned home with just half an ear!
Very well written writeup; I almost got transported to the venue all over again! :-)
yay!! You started blogging!!
You didn't even tell me!
Can I tell other ppl?
Absolutely, dramaqueen! Go ahead and tell everyone you know! :-D
cake-o-nova...thank you...next time we'll get you ear plugs and go right up front!!!
dramaqueen..i guess supernova has already given the go ahead...
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